Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pho Saigon Vietnamese Noodle House Houston, TX

Pho Saigon

2808 Milam St. Suite D
Houston, TX 77006
1 713 524 3734

#11 Pho tái (Beef noodle soup with eye round steak)
Cost: $4.35
Rating: 4 spoons

#40 Pho gà thit trang (Chicken noodle soup with chicken white meat)
Cost: $4.35
Rating: 4 spoons

Soursop smoothie drink
Cost: $2.50
Rating: 4 spoons
Total Cost: $6.85

I had not seen a friend of mine for about 6 months, so it was time to catch up. He had recently got a job at a downtown company, so lunch was long overdue.

I met him in his building and we made our way to the parking garage. At the restaurant, we parked on the rooftop parking as the parking lot for the strip mall was full as usual.

As we entered the restaurant, were greeted and seated right away. At the table, we sat shoulder to shoulder with a row of chairs. We figured the whole row would fill up at one time and it almost did. This place does get packed for lunch, so go early.

We placed our orders and within a few minutes, there were beans, vegetable and hot noodle soups in front of us.
My friend and I ate heartily and enjoyed our soups immensely. I sipped my sour sop juice as well.

We were also supplied with sauces on the table as well as a spoon and chop sticks.

The service was efficient, pleasant and prompt. We chatted some more as we enjoyed our meal. It was time we got back to work, so we went up to the cashier with our bill and paid individually using credit cards. Of course cash was also accepted. As you can see, we ate it all...

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